

AsSalaamuAlaykum & Greetings!

We are privileged to launch Umma Bazaar, and thank you for your support in making it successful.  Umma Bazaar was created with three key objectives:
1. To leverage sophisticated marketing technology & tools to generate more business from within the community
2. By so doing, maximize the spending within the community and finally,
3. To use some of our profits to support social initiatives within the community.

Businesses need to grow, and the aim of Umma Bazaar is to help them grow.  It does so by reaching out more effectively to the target customer base. Further, by creating innovative promotions, it attempts to bring in more customers, and more success in a relatively short period.

Strategically, by enabling on-going communication with the customer base, we strive to create more enduring relationships; businesses also establish brand recognition, which can be a competitive advantage. So, our foremost objective is to deliver tangible and substantial value to our business customers, and ensure a high Return On Investment.

Our community is one of the fastest growing demographics in these United States, and also one of the better qualified, with a substantial disposable income.  Umma Bazaar attempts to provide a platform that will help ensure that spending remains within the community.  This has obvious economic benefits to members of this community; businesses are tapping into this community to increase their sales while consumers often get better deals. This increased economic activity will likely lead to a community that is not only economically stronger but also more cohesive and collectively empowered.

While Umma Bazaar was conceived as a state-of-art business offering to our community, it is also driven by a social mission. We are committed to contributing part of our profits to worthy social causes within our community. A community is often only as strong as its institutions – whether they are social, cultural or educational.  We hope we can, with your collective support to Umma Bazaar, make a meaningful contribution to making our institutions stronger.

We hope you share our goals & values, and become an active part of the Umma!  And, we thank you for your support!

We welcome your feedback and suggestions. Please feel free to contact us at

We love building innovative products for our community.

Proudly made in the U.S.A.